3+ Jingdezhen Baitaohui Ceramic Equipment Co., Ltd Learning: Ceramic art enables labor education in the new era.-Jingdezhen Baitaohui Ceramic Equipment Co., Ltd
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Learning: Ceramic art enables labor education in the new era.
Release time: 2023-03-21      View: 1448

From March 20 to 24, the 2023 New era labor education seminar and training meeting was held in Xiamen, as a ceramic teaching service provider that pays close attention to the national policy, three representatives of Baitao Association participated in the seminar and training meeting, and conducted in-depth study and reflection on how pottery can empower labor education in the new era.

At the meeting, Xu Changfa, chairman of the Special Committee on Labor Education Guidance of the Basic Education Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, chairman of the Labor Education Branch of the Chinese Society of Education, former Party secretary of the China Academy of Education, made a keynote speech, Fu Xiaofang, Li Zhenjiang, Sun Yan and other experts gave lectures respectively, elaborated the necessity of school labor education from the policy level, and gave specific operation methods. Labor education has become an institutional guarantee for the realization of socialist modernization.



Ceramic art can empower labor education in the new era

>>> National policy orientation

On March 26, 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and The State Council issued the Opinions on Comprehensively Strengthening Labor Education in Primary and Secondary Schools in the New Era (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions), which proposed to comprehensively build a labor education system that reflects the characteristics of The Times, extensively carry out labor education practice activities, strive to improve the support and security capacity of labor education, and effectively strengthen the organization and implementation of labor education. So as to better "build a comprehensive education system of moral, intellectual, physical, American and labor training".


On July 7 of the same year, the Ministry of Education issued the "Guidelines for Labor Education in Primary and Secondary Schools (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guidelines") to further refine the "Opinions" : At present, the focus of the implementation of labor education is to organize students to participate in daily life, production and service labor in a purposeful and planned way in addition to learning systematic cultural knowledge, so that students can practice, sweat, receive exercise and temper their will, and cultivate students' correct labor values and good labor quality. It explained what labor education is, what it teaches and how to teach it, detailed relevant requirements and strengthened professional guidance.


>>> Interpretation of the significance of labor education

Q: What is the significance of labor education?


1. Strengthen the concept of work and promote the spirit of work. The concept of labor and labor spirit education throughout the whole process of personnel training, through the family, school, society in all aspects. In the process of learning and mastering basic labor knowledge and skills, students should understand the significance and value of labor and form a working spirit of diligence, thrift, struggle, innovation and dedication.

2. Emphasize physical and mental participation, pay attention to the use of hand and brain. Grasp the fundamental characteristics of labor education, so that students face the real personal life, production and social service tasks, experience the actual labor process, good at observation and thinking, pay attention to the use of knowledge to solve practical problems, improve labor quality and efficiency.

3. Inherit the fine tradition and highlight the characteristics of The Times. While giving full play to the educational functions of traditional labor and traditional craft projects, we should keep up with the development of science and technology and industrial changes, accurately grasp the new changes in labor tools, labor technologies and labor forms in the new era, innovate the content, ways and methods of labor education, and enhance the epochal nature of labor education.

4. Play the main role to stimulate innovation and creation. Pay attention to the experience and perception of students in the process of labor, guide students to feel the hardships of labor and the happiness of harvest, and enhance the sense of gain, achievement and honor. Students are encouraged to try new methods and explore new technologies on the basis of learning and drawing on the rich experience and skills of others, break the rigid way of thinking, and bring forth the old.

Labor skill is actually a knowledge complex. Taking pottery as an example, it includes a variety of knowledge such as aesthetics, humanities, mathematics, etc. Therefore, it is more helpful for students to carry out labor skill courses to firmly grasp the knowledge they have learned and apply it to practice. Therefore, labor skill is an important part of quality education and one of the important carriers and means of quality education. (Xu Changfa)

>>> Three advantages of pottery as a carrier of labor education

First, from the historical and cultural point of view, pottery is the essence of traditional Chinese labor culture, which carries the best labor technology, labor emotion and labor accomplishment of the Chinese nation. In the long history of tens of thousands of years, Chinese ancestors and ceramic craftsmen of all dynasties have created one milestone after another in the development process of Chinese ceramic technology, which is unique in the world and continuous with their hard work and wisdom.

The man who has connected the "idea" of holding water with the "substance" of earth has completed a "bowl," and all he has left to do is to try to make this bowl appear in his own manual experiments. This kneading, drying, baking process must have experienced countless failures. Perhaps when he first made this shape with wet soil, he excitedly ran to the river and used it to hold water, and did not want the "bowl" to crumble and dissolve. He must then associate this "bowl" of wet earth with the knowledge of drying, baking, and so on, the hardening of the earth. It is in this process of step-by-step understanding that human beings have completed the creation of civilization. It is the will to live that makes the hand progress, and the progress of the hand in turn contributes to the development of many cognitive abilities and the understanding of material properties. The hand turns back and demands that matter yield to "technology" and serve this "idea." -- "Meditation on Beauty" by Jiang Xun


Tracing back to China's labor culture, as early as the Neolithic Age, the production of agriculture and pottery have confirmed the discovery of human "earth" characteristics. The understanding of the soil is that it has been dissolved in water, can be arbitrarily kneaded, and is solid and formed after drying or baking, which is a qualitative change of the material, and is an excellent practice of using the hand and brain to create.


How can a skill, a form of labor, accompany human beings for 20,000 years, become a history book of its own, and still be passed down in an orderly manner? Today we can see that advanced ceramics are active in the high-precision field; Art ceramics are displayed in various exhibitions and museums, through the ancient and modern; Living ceramics are indispensable in thousands of households. As an educational carrier, ceramic making appeared in the school labor classroom and became a quality education course. Ceramic art, on the basis of inheriting and carrying forward the traditional excellent labor culture, innovates the socialist labor culture with Chinese characteristics.


Second, from the perspective of carrier characteristics, pottery is a comprehensive and creative labor, which is not only a kind of labor, but also a kind of creation, which can well train students' creative thinking and divergent thinking. Improving creative labor ability is a highlight of the "Opinions", which is also an important content of labor education, but also a new entry point and growth point of labor education in the new era.

The ultimate development of human potential is to discover and develop every "material nature." The characteristics of the soil to the extreme, produced brick ceramic; The characteristics of wood developed to the extreme, resulting in the Liang Dongzhou boat. This kind of "nature of everything", that is, "creation", is the only third kind of creativity that can be juxtated with the power of heaven and earth besides "the cultivation of heaven and earth". -- "Meditation on Beauty" by Jiang Xun


Creative labor is our best response to future AI challenges in the process of training talents. In the comprehensive practice of ceramic art, creative activity design and creative teaching methods provide an effective path for the development of creativity. With ceramics as the entrance, students can learn and understand related knowledge of science, engineering, art and society, and cultivate comprehensive literacy and ability. Students can construct their own innovative thinking and create achievements in the process of autonomy, cooperation and exploration.

Thirdly, from the perspective of educational development, pottery education emphasizes taking pottery as an important carrier, cultivating students' labor emotion, labor ability and labor quality in the process of hands-on creation, and making efforts to cultivate labor literacy. Labor education is life first education, labor education is survival education, which is the most basic consensus and common sense that the whole society needs to form.

Labor education in the new era emphasizes: In the arrangement of production and service labor projects, primary and secondary schools should focus on the use of traditional tools and traditional crafts, guide students to understand the hardships and wisdom of working people, inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and take into account the use of new knowledge, new technology, new technology, and new methods of labor. Carry forward the Chinese nation's excellent labor culture of "diligence, wisdom and courage" to promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.


>>> How to implement pottery labor education?

To carry out labor education with pottery art as the carrier, we should focus on implementing the main responsibility of schools, giving play to the leading role of schools in education and the main channel role of labor education courses. We must adhere to precise implementation and highlight six principles:

First, adhere to the principle of pottery curriculum. Curriculum is the carrier of educational content, so we should avoid the tendency of generalization, vagueness, de-curriculum, saving trouble and perfunctory dealing in the implementation of labor education.

Second, adhere to the principle of pottery learning project. Eliminate the randomness and fragmentation of labor education, so that students can improve their comprehensive ability to practice, analyze and solve problems in the process of learning and learning.

Third, adhere to the principle of pottery skill structure. Prevent labor technology, skills, aesthetic logic chain break, lay a preliminary foundation for students' technical literacy, cultivate students' craftsman spirit.

Fourth, adhere to the principle of educational content of pottery. It is necessary to choose the theme of labor with education, not labor for labor, activity for activity, so that labor education is more focused, more targeted and effective.

Fifth, adhere to the principle of standardization of labor practice. Cultivate students' consciousness of procedure, rule, technology, cooperation and safety in the process of labor creation practice.

Sixth, adhere to the visual principle of pottery evaluation. Make, materialize and present scientific ideas to cultivate students' innovation, efficiency, results, effectiveness awareness and labor spirit.


Xu Changfa also said: in fact, labor is the basis of education, but also the ultimate goal, all educated will eventually become workers. The competition between us and other countries in the world is mainly talent, especially the competition of talents with innovative ability, so we should pay more attention to and carry out labor skills courses, strengthen the training of children's hands-on innovation ability, so as to cultivate talents with real creative ability.

At present, China's labor technology education in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and Xinjiang and other places have been very effective, but more provinces and cities need to improve the degree of labor technology education, appropriate increase in labor technology classes, in order to train more innovative and practical talents to adapt to the future.



Baitao Association, focusing on ceramic teaching services for 13 years, has always adhered to independent product research and development, and is committed to creating intelligent, safe and humane innovative ceramic teaching space for schools from the four parts of planning and design, selecting equipment, curriculum teacher training, and operation and maintenance, providing resources and platforms for teachers' growth, carrying forward the national essence of ceramic culture, and promoting the healthy and sound development of ceramic labor technology education.

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